Email Marketing

12 Habits of Highly Successful Email Marketers

This is the formula to email marketing success




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Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a highly successful email marketer? The truth is, it's more than just sending messages and hoping they'll get read. It's about having a strategy and a plan, but also being willing to adapt that plan as needed. In this blog, we'll explore the 12 habits of highly successful email marketers so you can learn how you can grow your list and gain loyal customers over time.

1. Outline your email campaign goal

You should have a goal before you even start and before you ask anyone else if they want to help. A goal is a must-have for success because it helps keep your email marketing campaign on track and makes sure that the work you do is going in the right direction.

You can choose from many types of goals, such as increasing sales or improving customer service. It's important to ask yourself what kind of outcome would be most beneficial for your company or organization so that everyone involved knows what needs to be accomplished when designing their emails.

2. Listen to your audience

The most successful email marketers know that the best way to keep their audience engaged is by listening to what they have to say. When you listen, you're able to respond with a product or service that's tailored specifically for them.

Listening means more than just taking in customer feedback; it also means understanding what your customers need and want. If there's something they don't like, fix it! That's what great email marketers do: they listen and make changes based on their audience’s needs.

3. Prioritize email content and design equally

You must have heard: Content is king!

Great. Now let’s talk about the Queen: The design

This means that if your email content is king then your email design is the queen.

The best email campaigns are those that include both great content and design. It's not enough to have amazing content if your emails aren't designed well. Likewise, if you have an eye-catching design but the copy is boring or hard to understand, then it won't help your message get through. The best way to ensure that both aspects of your campaign are equally important is by thinking about them together from start to finish.

4. Focus on the first 100 milliseconds

The first 100 milliseconds is the most important time in your email campaign. After all, it's the only thing standing between you and whether or not your emails get opened or not.

And here's why: You've got a lot of things that can go wrong in that first 100 milliseconds—your email can get lost in the spam folder; it can be misdirected to a junk folder, or it could even get marked as spam by its recipient. And these are just a few of the ways that an email can fail before ever reaching its intended audience.

The lesson here? Don't take anything for granted when it comes to getting people to open your emails!

5. Take an "automation first" approach

Successful email marketers know that email automation is a key part of any email marketing strategy. In fact, if you're not using automation in your business, you're missing out on one of the best ways to help grow your list and keep good relationships with customers.

The reasons for automating are clear: It can help you build relationships with customers and save time by doing things like sending follow-up emails and building sequences in one fell swoop. When it comes down to it, there's really no reason not to automate as much as possible!

6. Never spam or buy email lists 

Best email marketers never spam. We all know that it's illegal, but there are a few other reasons you shouldn't send unsolicited communications via email. 

First and foremost, it's a waste of time. Spam filters look for keywords related to your business (in fact, they look for keywords related to any business). If those words appear in an email message, the message will get blocked by the spam filter and never reach its intended recipient. In addition to wasting money on sending out messages that never reach their targets, this also means you'll have fewer resources available for more targeted marketing efforts.

The same principle applies when buying lists: unless someone has opted in to receiving communications from your company (or some other trusted source), sending them emails without permission can result in fines from the government agencies around the world—and could even lead to jail time if things get really ugly!

If you want to bypass the spam filter and make it to the recipient inbox: try using GoCustomer.

7. Nurture prospects with a multi-touch workflow

Successful email marketers know that nurturing prospects through a multi-touch workflow is one of the most effective ways to boost your email marketing success.

Here's why: it’s all about keeping them engaged and making sure they get as much value from your emails as possible, while not bombarding them with offers that they don't want or need. The more personalized and targeted your emails are, the higher their chances of getting opened and clicked!

This strategy helps keep customers engaged throughout their journey so when it comes time for purchase decisions later on down line then these people have already built trust in the brand over a time period through multiple touch points.

8. Segmentation is the king of the castle

Highly successful email marketers understand the importance to segment their audience in order to effectively reach them with relevant and timely content. This can be accomplished through email segmentation by their:

  • Interests (e.g., dog lovers)

  • Demographics (e.g., men between 25-35 years old)

  • Behavior (e.g., recently signed up for an account)

In fact, you can leverage segmentation to reach your success, growth, and revenue goals fast!

9. Test, analyze, and fine-tune your campaigns

To succeed in email marketing, you need to continually test and analyze the effectiveness of your campaigns. You could be doing all the right things, but if they're not working then it doesn't matter. What are some ways to continuously test, analyze and adjust?

  • Test subject lines that are more relevant to your audience. This allows you to understand what messages resonate with them most; this will help you improve future subject lines (and open rates). 

  • Analyze results from each campaign carefully after sending out emails and adjust accordingly! 

For example: If one particular campaign had high open rates but low click-throughs or conversions, then consider changing some aspects of that specific message before sending it again next time 

10. Research your competitors

You may think that you know everything there is to know about your competitors—but you don’t. If you are not researching your competitors and understanding their audience, content strategy, design, marketing, and sales tactics then how can you grow as an email marketer?

Here are some things to look out for when researching your competition:

  • What kind of content do they produce? What subject matters work well for them? How often do they publish new articles or blog posts and what type of images are used in those posts?

  • Do they use social media platforms like Pinterest or Instagram to drive traffic back to their website or is it just a text link at the bottom of each post that people have to click on themselves (you might have noticed this does not work)?

11. Pay attention to details

Detail is the difference between a good email and a great one. It's the difference between having your customers' attention and losing it.

But paying attention to detail isn't as easy as it sounds—it requires focus, time, and energy (which is why so many email marketers don't do it). To help you out, here are some of the most important details to pay attention to:

  • Spacing: This might seem like a minor point, but it's not! A few extra pixels of space between paragraphs can make all the difference in how your message looks on someone's screen.

  • Color scheme: Always keep in mind what colors people are most likely looking at when they open their inboxes—for example, blue or green are popular colors for emails.

  • subject line: The subject line of your email should be catchy, but also relevant to your product or service.

  • The placement of images: Images should be placed carefully to make them look good and appealing.

12. Embrace new ideas and test them

The best email marketers are always open to new ideas. They're not afraid to test them and use what works, even if it means changing their minds about something they've previously deemed effective.

The second habit is testing: Always be willing to test new ideas on your audience. As with any other marketing channel, there's no way around this one—you have to experiment with subject lines, content formats, and send times in order for your campaigns to improve over time.

In the end, email marketing is a tried and true method that works for many businesses. It can be overwhelming to get started, but the more you practice and learn about the industry in general, the better your results will be. Follow these tips to become an effective email marketer!

An image to showcase the email warmup feature

Reach more customers with your cold emails

Table of Contents

    In a nutshell

    Having a goal is important before starting an email marketing campaign to define the desired outcome, set measurable targets, and create a strategy to achieve them.
    Listening to your audience in email marketing is important to understand their preferences, behaviors, and needs and tailor the email content and messaging accordingly.
    It's important to focus on email content and design equally because both aspects contribute to the email's effectiveness in engaging and converting recipients.
    The first 100 milliseconds are significant in email marketing because it's the time frame within which recipients decide whether to open, delete, or mark an email as spam.
    Spamming or buying email lists is a bad idea in email marketing because it violates privacy laws, harms sender reputation, and results in low-quality leads who are unlikely to engage or convert.
    person opening a mailbox

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